UDM School of Law Alumni Magazine (PDF)

University of Detroit Mercy School of Law Alumni Magazine — Featured Alumni

Entertainment Law in Michigan:  The Film Incentive 

by Ethan Bordman (’03)

The Michigan Film Production Credit took effect in April of 2008. It was designed to attract production companies and promote the growth of the film industry in Michigan.

The incentive is available to “eligible production companies,” that are “in the business of producing qualified productions” spending at least $50,000 in the state. Game shows, talk shows, television news programs, political or product advertising, and sporting events are not eligible.

In 2007, about $2 million was spent in TV, film, and digital media production in Michigan. In 2008 (the year the incentive passed), spending increased to $125 million. In 2010, it rose  to $293 million. In 2011, the single biggest project yet—the title of which has not been released—was submitted to the film office with a budget of $104 million…

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